Week 22

This week has been manic.

On Monday, we had a post-mortem about the broken link to the Queen’s Birthday Honours lists. Even though the issue was fixed on the same day, we want to avoid this happening again. Some good ideas were suggested to make our 404 alerts work better and building a link checking feature into our publishing systems. I’ve been experimenting this week to build something for the latter idea.

For most of the week, I visited Dublin for the Digital Agenda Assembly hosted by the European Commission. It was also the second meeting of the Young Advisors Expert Group, and we had breakfast on Thursday morning with Neelie Kroes. It was also good to spend time with some of the digital champions from around Europe. Alja has written some good thoughts about the event on her blog.

Back in London at the end of the week, I’ve been continuing to work on adding simple smart answers into Publisher. I finished separating out Nodes and Options into embedded collections in MongoDB and smart answers can now be persisted using the UI in Publisher. There’s some more work I need to do to add the node select box, and some general tidying up.

And Friday was Jack’s final day at GDS before he leaves for his final year at university. He will be missed, and I wish him all the best.