Week 4

I started this week with a new story that formed from a collection of support tickets around our “find my nearest” services on GOV.UK (eg. DVLA Offices). Late last year, I tore a lot of code out of local services and licences to make them work better, and it was about time the same was done for find my nearest too. Now, instead of using a combination of gems which haven’t seen a lot of love since the alpha, there’s a far simpler Mapit api adapter.

For the remaining half of this week, I’ve been rotated onto the 2nd Line Support team, so I’ve been helping run the occasional deploy whilst doing a bit of a trial run around migrating selected repositories to an instance of GitHub Enterprise we’re running internally. On Friday morning, around the corner at the Royal College of Surgeons, we had an all staff event, which is going to become a monthly occurrence.

I’ve also started reading Martin Gardner’s The Night Is Large this week which, so far, has been a collection of intriguing essays around science and philosophy, but which also contains essays on Social Sciences, Mathematics and other subjects.