Week 3

I think this week has been pretty good.

I found out at the weekend that I’ve been appointed to the European Commission’s Young Advisors Expert Group. It will be led by VP Neelie Kroes and the first meeting is in March - I’m looking forward to it.

At GDS this week, I’ve been building out the asset manager, a small new app which will, initially, make it easier for colleagues at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to attach maps and documents to travel advice content. In the future, I’d like to see our publishing tools able to upload files there too. In addition to this, I spent some time with Sam and Andy from the content team to help refine the logic for a few new smart answers we’ll be building soon.

I went down to Whitehall this morning for a ‘fireside chat’ hosted by Stephen Kelly, alongside other staff in the Efficiency and Reform Group of the Cabinet Office. I found it interesting to hear a bit more about what others in ERG are working on.

Some of my commute this week has seen a bit of maintenance on the Rewired State Hacks app. And, earlier this week, I finished reading Accidental Empires, a short review of which you can read here.